Elevate Leadership, Inspire Success


Years of experience


Personal and practical


Advice and consulting

Empowering Success, Guaranteed: Unlock Your Potential with Confidence

The Entrepreneur, based on their observations, has identified several market challenges:

  1. Existing applications in the market offer a wide range of training materials from various fields of study. However, they often lack a focused approach towards educating users by developing the specific skills required within their respective industries.

  2. There is a noticeable absence of solutions that concentrate on enhancing soft skills for managers, a critical aspect of effective leadership.

  3. The market lacks technological solutions designed to cater to employees in managerial positions within companies, hindering their professional development.

  4. A noticeable gap exists when it comes to educational platforms specializing in team management, especially with Software as a Service (SaaS) accessibility. Most available solutions are either confined to closed groups or offer fragmented coverage of the subject matter. In our proposed solution, we aim to create a comprehensive program that offers easy access and affordability, which is particularly crucial for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)."

black smartphone near person
black smartphone near person

The project is being developed thanks to the investment of the Brave Seed Fund sp. z o.o. and the Kujawsko-Pomorski Fundusz Kapitałowy ASI sp. k.